Buying property and immigrating to North Cyprus

Buying property and immigrating to North Cyprus has many requests today. Maybe you have thought about buying a property or immigrating and have checked your current conditions and future plans and goals, but this is one of the most important and sensitive decisions in life that must be taken into consideration before any action. Raise your information in this regard and be sure to consult with experts and experienced people in this field. The consultants of Andisheh Group will provide you with all their experience and information to facilitate this path.

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Comparison of North Cyprus and South Cyprus for immigration

In the article everything about North Cyprus and the history of North Cyprus, we talked about the differences between North Cyprus and South Cyprus in detail. We fully explained about cultural differences, currency, cost of living, language and dialect, as well as how North and South Cyprus were formed.

But the most important issues for choosing a country as a destination for immigration is to consider the comfort level, the income level, the cost of living and even the academic level. At the end of this article, you will get all the information you need.

Advantages of immigrating to Northern Cyprus

We have listed the most important advantages for immigrating to North Cyprus for you, but you should note that the good conditions and advantages for each person can be different depending on the culture and personal thoughts.

  • There is no need to issue a visa for Iranians
  • Strong connection with Turkey and ease of commuting
  • Short distance and proximity to Iran
  • Low cost of living, housing and education
  • Mild Mediterranean climate in all seasons
  • One of the most touristic cities in the world
  • Many and beautiful recreational and natural areas
  • Obtaining residence and comfortable employment through education
  • Obtaining residency through investment in this country with low capital and installments

The highest number of residence requests for North Cyprus is through education and investment, which has relatively easier and less expensive conditions. In the article on buying a villa in North Cyprus, we tried to explain all the important things in buying a property in North Cyprus.

Different ways to immigrate to North Cyprus

There are different methods for immigration, choosing a destination for immigration is not an easy task and in fact it is not possible to fully and comprehensively address this issue in one article; We suggest that before you get confused and wrong information misleads you in choosing the path, contact the experienced experts of Andishe Group and ask for a consultation.

The most common methods of migration in the world are: educational migration, job migration, migration through investment, migration through marriage and migration through the birth of a child, each of these conditions depends on the laws and policies of each country.

Migration to Northern Cyprus through work

In order to immigrate to any country, you must first thoroughly check the job conditions of that country, such as the per capita income and the unemployment rate. The higher the per capita income is compared to other countries, the more chances you have of success and earning. The unemployment rate will also show you. What percentage of the country’s population is unemployed and whether there are good job opportunities or not.

The unemployment rate in Cyprus fell to 8% from 8.3% in the previous month, as the number of unemployed fell by 2,000 to 39,000. Meanwhile, the youth unemployment rate, which measures the number of under-25s unemployed as a percentage of the youth workforce, remained unchanged at 21.7 percent. Compared to September 2021, the overall unemployment rate has increased by 1.8 percent from 6.2 percent due to an increase of 10,000.

The average income of each person in North Cyprus should be compared with the cost of living in this country and not with the average income in Iran. Most of the Iranian immigrants who immigrate to different countries with a work visa, after a few months, realize that they have not properly examined the cost of living in this country and are forced to leave that country with frustration and failure. One of the most important tasks of the consultants of Andishe Group is consulting in this field, you can find out all the immigration conditions to North Cyprus with just one call.

Wages in Cyprus increased to €2,404 per month in the second quarter of 2022 from €1,965 per month in the first quarter of 2022.

Migration to Northern Cyprus through education

Educational migration is another method of migration to North Cyprus. Continuing education and gaining more knowledge abroad is one of the first priorities of Iranian students. There are different educational conditions and situations in each country for immigrant students, which are different depending on the perspective and macro policies of each society. The first step For educational migration to North Cyprus, it is necessary to know the universities of this country and their ranking among the top universities in the world.

Top universities in Northern Cyprus:

  • University of Cyprus
  • Frederick University
  • European University of Lefke
  • Cyprus International University
  • European University Cyprus
  • Eastern Mediterranean University
  • Girne Üniversitesi

important points:

There is no need to obtain a visa to study in North Cyprus universities and it is sufficient to obtain admission from the universities.

In the universities of Northern Cyprus, courses are taught in Turkish and English. The language certificate is not an obstacle to admitting students to North Cyprus universities, and students can participate in language classes after attending North Cyprus universities.

Students can work part-time up to 20 hours a week during the academic year. During the mid-semester break, this rule does not exist and students can work full-time.

Immigrate to Northern Cyprus through investment

Investing in North Cyprus is another way to obtain residence in this country. Investing and buying property in itself, both inside and outside the country, has many risks that must be carefully examined before making a transaction and a profitable purchase. Buying property in North Cyprus is our specialty, we at Alaai Group have more than 6 years of experience with you, dear fellow countrymen.

In the article on buying a villa in North Cyprus, we mentioned important points for investing and buying property. We also stated the conditions for obtaining a visa and also the conditions for cash and installment purchases.

Construction in Cyprus fell by 6.4% year-on-year after a 6.6% decline in the second quarter of 2022. This was the fourth consecutive quarterly decline.

Immigrate to Northern Cyprus through the birth of a child

Obtaining citizenship with the birth of a child in the world follows the two laws of the principle of soil and the principle of blood. In order to immigrate through the birth of a child, you must be familiar with the laws of that country. It is very important to know which of these laws the country follows.

The law of the origin of soil: In this law, the birth of a child is in the soil of the country in question. Regardless of the nationality of the parents.

Law of the principle of blood: In this principle, it is very important that one of the parents or both are citizens of the country in question. In this case, it does not matter in which country the child is born.

In the country of Cyprus, the law of blood principle is followed, and for this reason, either the father or the mother must be a citizen of the country of Cyprus. For this reason, it cannot be a migration route for families. You cannot obtain citizenship and residence with a Cyprus tourist visa, as well as traveling to this country and giving birth to a child.

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