Sometimes a fundamental change is needed for progress. Sometimes, study migration is the change that can ultimately lead to your advancement in your education process. Canada is one of those countries that has been able to improve the scientific level of its universities with a proper education system. As a result of this incident, it can be seen that the number of applicants for studying in Canada is increasing day by day and has experienced a significant growth compared to the past. In the rest of this article, we point out various points regarding canada study permit, which can be your guide in a part of this winding path. So, if you want to know about various things such as the benefits of continuing education in Canadian universities, requirements, etc., stay with Andishe until the end of this article.

Advantages of studying in Canada

Certainly, various things came together to make studying in Canada a strong option for students. In the following, we discuss the most important advantages of studying in Canada.

  1. The existence of various universities with extraordinary global rankings has made this country to be at a high level in terms of science.
  2. Canada’s bilingual environment makes your skills in English and French reach the highest level.
  3. The cost of living in Canada for an international student is lower than in countries like America or England.
  4. It is possible to get Canadian residency by studying. You can apply for permanent residency after completing your studies under certain conditions.
  5. Due to the low unemployment rate, you will have many job opportunities after you graduate.
  6. Granting accompanying visa to all family members is also one of the most important benefits of studying immigration to Canada.
  7. Canada is one of the safest countries in the world. In this country, the crime rate is at its lowest level, which can ease your mind about many issues.
  8. The presence of several different cultures in Canada and the high percentage of immigrants in this country will make you not feel homesick or alienated.

canada study permit requirements

For studying in Canada, there are different conditions that it is better to be aware of and prepare for before any action. The most important conditions according to the educational levels are:

Elementary to high school

Basically, educational migration happens very rarely at this stage, but the best age for educational migration at this stage is between 5 and 15 years old. Apart from the age requirements, having financial resources and complete identification documents are other requirements for studying at this stage.

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Canada offers you many options for studying at this level; But if you immigrate right after receiving your diploma, you will have a better chance of being accepted. Also, having transcripts with a high grade point average, a valid language certificate, and financial ability are other requirements for entering this stage. you can get more information by immigration to canada.


In the master’s degree, you need a strong resume in your field, in addition to having a bachelor’s degree with excellent grades and a language certificate, because it is more important. Apart from these cases, the presence of a letter of recommendation also makes your work easier in different stages of immigration.


Just like a master’s degree, a doctorate requires a letter of recommendation, a master’s degree with a high grade point average and transcripts, and a valid language certificate. There is no special age requirement for this section.


At this stage, in addition to having a strong resume and language certificate with a high score, he needs various articles published in prestigious international journals.

How apply for a Canadian student visa?

To get a Canadian study visa, you have to go through different steps, which are as follows:

  • Choosing a university and field: First of all, you should find universities that accept international students in your field of interest through reputable sources. Then pass the universities in front of you through suitable filters such as the required cost, study conditions in the desired university, place of residence, etc., to reach a suitable university.
  • Preparing the documents: After choosing the university, visit the university website to find out about the necessary documents. Then prepare all the documents without any deductions so that you can upload them at the right time.
  • Translation of documents: Officially translate all the documents that need to be translated for the study visa.
  • Apply: After preparing and translating the documents, send your application along with the required documents to the university. (Be sure to pay attention to the format required by the university and pay the fee)
  • Wait: After completing all the above steps, you have to wait for the university’s response. These steps may take some time, so be sure to complete the visa procedures a few months before the start of the fall semester.
  • Obtaining a visa: After receiving admission from the university, you can apply for a visa.

The time required to issue a Canada study permit visa

Basically, there is no fixed period of time to get a visa. This process may take between one day and several months, depending on various factors such as how busy the embassy or the destination country is. But in general, getting a study visa takes less time than other visas such as a work visa.

Necessary expenses to get canada study visa 

The necessary expenses for immigrating to Canada through studying depend on various factors such as education level, city of residence, duration of education, etc. But there will be some fixed costs, of which the following can be mentioned:

  1. Own expenses and food
  2. The cost of renting a house
  3. Cost of water, gas and electricity
  4. Intra-city transportation cost
  5. Travel costs
  6. The cost of books and educational pamphlets
  7. Health insurance cost

Frequently Asked Questions about study permit application

  1. How much does the age condition affect the process of getting a study visa?

In principle, age conditions cannot be the first word regarding receiving admission or visa; But for example, at the age of 40, you can’t expect to get a visa for a bachelor’s degree easily.

  1. How will studying in canada like?

Obtaining Canadian residency with education visa will not be permanent under any circumstances; But Canada has various immigration programs through which you can get permanent residence.

  1. What are the best cities in Canada to study?

Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal are three desirable cities in Canada in terms of living and studying.

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